Car-chase road-trip through the vast territories & counterculture of 70s America. Most of the movie consists in speeding from one point to another, while evading the authorities that try to put a stop to the journey. As such, it offers spectacular chases, freaky races and exciting stunts - all expertly filmed and set in gorgeous & empty landscapes, for our pleasure. The MC comes across a panorama of atypical people on his way, ranging from the hippie druggies to just-married queers, and from faith healers to desert snake barters. An undefinable, ungraspable, spiritual quest drives him forward, manifesting in an existential, disinterested, radical act of Rebellion - and thus, of Freedom.
活生生会动的真人白狼,(忽略多年前粗制滥造的版本。。)还是这么帅的大超演的,突破那层阻碍薄膜除了给五星没别的可说的 好吧,真是打脸,剧集质量远低于期待 看到最后书中狂霸酷炫邪魅娟狂的威戈竟然变成了这么个棕皮怂货,三个女主带来的落差就更不用说了。编剧玩的多线分行又合一的叙事也不咋有意思。大超之外的演员也都一言难尽。。。作为书迷和游戏迷实在感到深深的辜负期待。